Dear Divine Soul,
We would like to take this opportunity to update you on the current status here at Yog Fellowship. Even though we are faced with the COVID-19 pandemic and can't gather at Yog Fellowship, it is very important to realize that we are always connected through the practice of Kriyayoga.
As Guruji reminds us:
"Wherever true Kriyayoga meditators are present, there exists a spiritual charge that spreads like a golden, all-pervading heat which has the power to unite all people of all nations and bring peace"
As the restrictions on travel and gatherings will most likely continue for most of 2021, we hope to add to our online avenues for practicing together and invite new interested persons to join.
Thankfully, there have been regular online YFT classes for practitioners who are familiar with the practice. The schedule for these Zoom classes are as follows:
Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday @ 8 AM EST
Wednesday @ 9 PM EST
Saturday @ 9 AM EST
In addition, there is a Sunday social following Zoom class on the last Sunday of each month
If you haven't been attending our online practices and would like to join us, please email us at
Whether we are meeting in person or not, the operating expenses at Yog Fellowship Temple continue. We normally depend on annual Spring and Summer Healing Programs to provide us with enough donations to meet basic costs, such as insurance, maintenance, property tax, utilities, etc. These operating costs add up to approximately $60,000 annually and do not include additional costs for ongoing repairs or other major expenses.
Since we have not been able to hold programs and services, our donations are down by more than 50%.
For this reason, we are reaching out to those of you who can help financially. We need your support to help us meet these costs.

With our collective support, we can cover these costs and maintain the upkeep of our sacred site, preparing us for the dat when we can all meet together once more.
If you wish to contribute, please send an e-transfer to
We thank you in advance for your care and support.
In loving service,
Yog Fellowship Temple
"The eternal power of Unity of Kriyayoga will remove war from the face of the earth and will bring health, peach, joy, and prosperity to all"
- Swami Shree Yogi Satyam